I was going through some photos and found one that I had forgotten about. Not because it was bad, it was actually quite posh. Located in the beautiful Napa Valley Wine country, the Pine Ridge Winery holds a secret that belies the greenery of it's exterior.
300 feet into the hillside is a subterranean dinning room you almost can't believe.
It's a cave. When informed that I would play in a cave, I immediately pictured bats, water running down walls, stalactites & stalagmites.

Yes--it' a cave, but an upscale one. Stucco walls, tiles floors, electrical fixtures. The tunnels were filled with barrels of wine that opened-up to the chamber we see here.
Now the acoustic qualities are another story: they we quite strange... but man-- funky cave.

Hey, I love your photos..they are really nice...
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